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制鞋缝纫机 > GA204-102双针摩卡车


Characteristics:Vertical semi-rotary large shuttle,It could sewing in welt decorating stitches at the same time The standard specification is flat presser.(The roller presser also provided) New roller presser with automatic adjusting needle gauge and needle clamp are provided to decorating sewing.It is suitable for various medium and thick material and thick material, such as leather, synthetic leather, cloth and chemical fiber.It is suitable for decorating sewing of leather products,shoes and boots and suitcase and handbag etc.
主要技术参数Main Parameters:
   针数 Needle
   2针 Needle
   缝速 Max.Sewing speed
   800针/分 needles/min
   针距 Max stitch
   8毫米 mm
   压脚提升 Presser food lift
 手提 By hand
   10毫米 mm
 膝控 By knee    15毫米 mm
   针杆行程 Needle bar stroke
   50毫米 mm
   润滑方式 Lubrication
   手工润滑 Manual
   作业空间 Operating room
   310×185毫米 mm
   电机 Motor
   离合器电机(500W,1400转/分)Clutch electrical engineering(550W 1400r.p.m)
   机头重量 machine head weight
   48KG kg


